Monday 26 April 2010

Values I didnt no I had any?

Values: In general, important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines in all situations Business Dictionary (2010).

Values will tend to vary from person to person generally we associate people we get along with are people who have similar values for instance you most likely wouldn't see environmentalists socialising with farmers as they share different values. Values are an important part in what activities and products we tend to do or purchase because using these services and products it can help us to achieve a certain goal. For example lets look into theorists Kahles list of values.
  1. Self Respect
  2. Excitement
  3. Being well respected
  4. Self fulfilment
  5. Sense of Accomplishment
  6. Warm relationships with others
  7. Security
  8. Fun and enjoyment
  9. Sense of belonging
These are the list of values we aspire to all our values are based on is which of these values are more important to us based on which values we see as more desirable. The services and the products we choose help us to achieve are desirable values for instance if our goal was self respect we might try to get a promotion or a better job which in case will give you more money power helping you to achieve more self respect for yourself. Or if your values underlie with fun and enjoyment you may save up some money so you can go on a party to holiday to say Ibiza which then will help you achieve your desirable goal of fun and enjoyment . This is all depending on your values and what you consider as fun and enjoyment or self respect as people may have the same desirable values yet they may want to achieve them for different reason, for example people who are vegetarians may have the same values but there underlying belief may be quite different (animal activism vs . health concerns) (Solman, 2006, P.312). That's why if marketeers are looking to market a product when evaluating a persons choice on why they would purchase the product they need to look on what at the underling fact of how this would improve someones end goal of their values are they buying this product this is the key to tap into how the product can become desirable to a consumer.

By creating a timeline I am going to show how major events have effected my life and altered my values.
My personal timeline!

1989- Birth my proudest moment and possibly a great achievement by god to make something so unique.
1995- Learning from my parents values and understanding write and wrong in life.
1996- My mum and Dad splitting up this helped me to become a stronger more tolerant person even as a child and taught me the value of security to make a family work as I wouldn't want my children to experience the same.
From 1996 to 2000- I went through everything at school from bulling to being popular this taught me to prioritise many things from the need to value a sense of belonging, taught me the importance of being well respected, the sense of belonging and the need for fun and enjoyment.
2001- 9.11 A sad time for many. I remember coming in from school and seeing it on news it really altered the way think about the security of myself and my family also made me realise that in life anything can happen so we need to not take for guaranteed the people we love.
2003- 19th of September the death of my best friend this change me as a person making my realise that life is short and that we must make the of each day enjoying it to its full potential.
2005- 11th of November the passing away of my closest friend which crushed me at the time but I now see that this is a reason for the drive I have in life and the want to achieve greater things.
2010- Haven't really learnt too much in the past five years apart from becoming more wiser and generally better to be honest I think it is possible my general values have gone out the window I would like to discuss why but I don't think blogging them would be appropriate


The <span class=VALS Framework" title="The VALS Framework" width="219" height="301"> Innovators Thinkers Achievers <span class=Experiencers" title="Experiencers"> Believers <span class=Strivers" title="Strivers"> Makers Survivors

Your primary VALS™ type is Innovator, and your secondary type is Experiencer.

The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach. Innovators are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem. They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services Srategicbusinessinsights (2010). As you can see I have taken a values test to understand my own product ownership, media preferences, hobbies, additional demographics and attitudes I believe. A first type as Innovater reflects my nature of being a dominate person and also reflects my high self esteem plus my confidence. Also it make the assumption I am an active consumer which is correct as I have a taste for the richer things in life and I also believe purchasing these things improves my self image and portrays my attitudes in life.

My secondary type feel under experiencers which makes me motivated by self-expression. Young, enthusiastic, and an impulsive consumer. It implies I have an interest in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, and social activities. I feel my secondary type almost reflects me more although I fall under the category of an innovater as my primary result. I believe this because I feel I am an impulse buyer an tend to purchase products purely under impulse more so than just being an active consumer. I am also very sport reflated and love socialising which I feel are my main aspects in my life so although the test consider me an innovator as my primary type I feel in my mind that I am expierencer, so although the test gives you an insight into your values I believe for a test to some up your inner most values that you have developed over a long period of time would be very complex but the VALS test definitely gives you an insight into were your beliefs and actions lie.

My conclusion on values is clear after the lectures and my own individual research into the physiology behind what drives us to aspire to these values. Values are what we see as being important to us over the years peoples values change as their goals and desires may differ but essentially values is what makes are goals up as person and in turn alters the decisions we make in life as to which values we prioritise the most. This is why its key for marketeers to understand their target markets values so they can alter their products to make them more desirable to the consumers.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very personal reflection on your timeline - thanks. Good posting
